Washington DC art HOMME Gallery MAESTRO loading, artist

Acclaimed artist and architect Maestro debuts his first solo exhibition, “Loading,” at Washington, DC’s renowned Homme Gallery from April 3–24, 2025.

Known for his pixelated pen drawings of cultural icons in a perpetual “loading state,” Maestro fuses architectural precision with digital interactivity. The exhibit features an augmented reality twist via QR codes, enhancing the blend of traditional art and modern technology. Reflecting on his immigration journey and digital connectivity, Maestro challenges conventional art perceptions.

Curator Amir Browder highlights the show’s thought-provoking mix of art and tech, including his debut resin sculpture, “Glitching – Venus,” a pixelated reinterpretation of the Venus de Milo.

A must-see event for DC art enthusiasts and tech aficionados, “Loading” promises to redefine the intersection of culture and digital innovation. For appointment details, please visit Homme Gallery’s website.

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