kiss in kashmir book signing event dc saigal washington indian bombay club

Washingtonians, mark your calendars for an unforgettable evening on June 23. The Bombay Club is hosting a special event celebrating Monica Saigal Bhide‘s new novel, “A Kiss in Kashmir.” This event offers a unique chance to enjoy a delicious meal and meet an acclaimed author.

The evening begins at 5:30 p.m. with a cocktail reception. You’ll have 30 minutes to mingle and enjoy drinks. Afterward, a family-style seated dinner will follow, featuring a tasting menu crafted by top chefs Vikram Sunderam and Nelish Singhvi. The menu includes delightful dishes such as Tabakh Maas, Dum Aloo Tikki, and Tandoori Trout.

Monica Saigal Bhide, the celebrated author, will be present to sign copies of her new book. Each ticket includes a copy of “A Kiss in Kashmir,” making it a great value at $160 per person. 

Reservations are required for this exclusive event. To secure your spot, call The Bombay Club at (202) 659-3727. Take advantage of this chance to enjoy a memorable night filled with exquisite food and engaging conversations.

Experience a magical evening with Monica Bhide at The Bombay Club. This book-signing experience combines fine dining with literary delight so make sure you grab a reservation!